Saturday, August 11, 2007

One of the Best

I am not a wide reader. But I read books and other reading materials depends on my moods and the availability of time.

Remembering those days..during those teens. I got hold of Sidney Sheldon awesome novels. MEMORIES OF MIDNIGHT was the first i ever read. It was really a gripping page-turner. From then on, i didn't hesitate to buy his books everytime i see one. Now i have 10 of his books.

Have you ever read the books of Fr. Andrew M. Greeley. He tells his story with charm and wit, and with some more than a dollop of steamy sex...that's Greeley's forte. Try to get hold of "Thy Brother's Wife." Right now im reading his "Contract With An Angel." This is a story about a man who, without much choice in the matter, signed a contract with an angel. It is a risky business to get involved with angels. The consequences were disastrous.

Oh, by the way, my good friend Yami told me about "William Diehl," It's one of her favorite author. And you know what, i bought Reign in Hell but i couldnt read it first hehehehe coz i have to look for those 2 other Sequels. Dang, was so excited when i bought the book hahaha but i just have to wait. I just finished reading "PRIMAL OF FEAR." It is really a first-class psychological thriller with every twists and turns to keep us breathless and not minding the time. I really thanked Yami for introducing me to William Diehl, enjoyed his books very much and now im very excited to look for the 2nd sequel...SHOW OF EVIL before i could read the "REIGN IN HELL."

Don't you worry , Yam when you come to Cebu i'll treat you with a pizza and mmm errrr tequila wont be forgotten hahaha. So long teqiula girl! :))


Anonymous said...

wow! i just read your blogs today. my internet connection has gone haywire in the last 5 days. grrr....

anyway, i am so happy that u liked william diehl. i call him the father of all inventions.

i will be one of the your most avid reader from now on.

im so looking forward to the pizza and tequila sessions.


the four sides of OBLIVION said...

TOINK! mare the book has been with me for more than a couple of weeks now and Cle has already finished reading it while i am still 1/3 of the book but no matter what mare.. i will finish it in due time , for how long? keep guessing hahahaha

thanks mare for inspiring me again to read pero hinay hinay lang ha kay u know na , i have poor eyesight . lets wait for that LASIK , ngek!!!!