Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Weight or Lightness

Staring blank...holding a pen trying to conceive my thoughts. Seems the brain is covered with cobwebs which the mind having a hard time to function. (hehehe) Only me could decipher my writings...pardon me, things makes no sense sometimes.

Quite awhile this pen wasnt working. Depends on the moods, feelings that one could scribble some thoughts in writing. Mind, thinking of the burdens our lives is undertaking. The heaviest of burdens crushes us, we sink beneath it, it pins us to the ground.

Remembered some our unforgettable unpleasant memories way back. And i realized the heavier the burden, the closer our lives come to the earth, the more real and truthful they become.

But the absence of a burden causes man to be lighter than air, to soar into the heights, take leave of the earth and his earthly being, and become only half-real, his movements as free as they are insignificant.

So let me ask you, What then shall we choose? Weight or Ligthness?